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Central, NY, United States
Life is an Adventure... LIVE IT

Friday, May 26, 2017

The new rear Bumper!

Camping Last weekend at Meadowvale Campground 

A peek inside, always seems cluttered

Hanging out for the night in a parking lot.
Not the best campground, but it worked...
You can see I've begun the painting process, now just have to have a couple of clear days to finish it.

So today it’s raining.

Looking at the calendar I see there are only 3 more days till my job ends. This is both exciting and quite frankly, a little scary. This will be the first time in my life I will not have a job. I will have no schedule, no meetings, and no alarm clock.  I will no longer be late for an appointment nor will I have to report to anyone.

Oh yeah. I’m happy!

Looking at the bus I see all the little tasks I wanted to complete before I left. Things like building and installing screens on the windows, adding a shelve unit above the water tank for food storage.  Still don’t have the curtains back. Finish painting the exterior, and the list goes on. I have a feeling there will always be a list of things that need attention.

There will be 10 days between the last day of work, May 30th, and my departure date, June 10th. I’ll be hiking in New Hampshire for 5 days during that time. So that will leave me 5 days to complete my chores. What gets done, gets done. What doesn’t, doesn’t.

I will be working towards adding more information and photos to this blog and adding on a regular basis. For those of you who have stopped by or are following, thanks for the visit. 
This is where I'll be posting the trip progress and sharing my adventures. 
