About Me

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Central, NY, United States
Life is an Adventure... LIVE IT

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Books I want to recommend

I love to read, and I'm always looking for a good book. so when I find one I like to pass it along...
So, here are a few titles that I have really enjoyed. I read them on my Kindle so you can find them on Amazon.com.

Painting By Numbers
By: David Thyssen
I just finished this book. Wow, I had a hard time putting it down. You find out within the first few lines what will happen in the end, so it's not such a "shocker ending" but you'll find yourself trying to change the ending from what you know will happen, to one that won't hurt so much... Read this book. The reader sees through the eyes of a 14 year old killer, and you honestly feel sorry for him...
It was a wonderful read seen through a different pair of eyes.
I loved it!

Rounding Third
By: Walter G. Meyer

This is another wonderful book, and I enjoyed it. It's a coming of age story that's well written and pulls the reader along the same path as the main character. Interesting and entertaining. I loved it and would highly recommend it!

The Brothers Bishop
By: Bart Yates

This book will make you laugh. It will put you at the edge of your seat, it will make you cry.
It has the potential to break into the private recess's of your mind! I did not put this book down. I just couldn't.
Read the rest of Bart Yates, Leaving Myself Behind, and The Distance Between Us... they are all excellent and must reads! 

Well that's all the books for now. I'll try to keep posting great books at I find them... Stay Tuned

Journal entry from July 25, 2009

I have kept a personal journal most of my life. Although I may not always be regular in it's entries, I try to keep it going. I found this entry and thought I might post it here...


I finished loading the bike and pulled out of the small dirt driveway at 8:23 this morning.
I am heading to the Kancamagus Highway in New Hampshire. 265 miles north east of my humble little cabin.
The GPS is set to avoid all major highways and most secondary roads in search of the dirt byways. I could drive down dirt roads all day. Its not so much the road surface as much as it is, Dirt roads don't have to follow the same rules as paved highways do. There's more fun when you don't have as many rules...
People who take the road less traveled, take it, not so much for the destination as they do for the journey. You see all destinations have a journey, but not all journeys have a destination, and not all who wander are lost...
And so it is with me...
My life is the journey. I already know my life's destination. And I'm not in any real hurry to get there. And this is why I take these short and wonderful little journeys I love so much... Today I wish Tommy - my nephew- was going with me. We have done this particular trip several times already but we both love it...

The day began to warm up, but by the time I arrive close to Albany, heavy dark clouds move in blocking out the sun and the perfect blue sky I enjoyed all morning. I meet a few other bikers on their way from Cape Cod. They are on Harley's. They tell me it has been dark since six am but it has not rained... I think this may be good news. I take the highway and stow the toll ticket thinking of how much I really hate this highway, but it will get me through the city and into Vermont quicker and lower my head and twist the throttle.

I'm soon off the highway and heading east on Route 7 into Vermont. They sky has cleared and the temperature has risen. It has finally become summer! I look around and enjoy the perfect day.
I head into the mountains using a seasonal highway. Halfway up a tree covered mountain, I pull over next to a small crystal clear mountain stream. No one is around. It's quiet and sounds of the water singing it's mountain song as it tumbles down the rocks to the valley below, makes me feel peaceful deep into my soul. 

And this is why I take these wonderful little journeys.

I remove my clothes and step into the cold water. it feels good but takes my breath away as I sit down and let the icy water wash over my shoulders.

Yep, this is why I take these little journeys...

Tommy and our bikes on the Ticonderoga Ferry

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


It's November 9th and the weather has been amazing.
Yesterday it had to be in the 70's!
For New York this was incredible!
I was able to take my mountain bike out and go for a ride.
I should mention that I haven't ridden this bike in over two years...
I used to ride it everyday. I have racked up over 100,000. miles on Bicycles in my lifetime.

It sure was good to ride again!. I'll have to replace the chain and the cables, but the bike itself is great!
It's an old Trek 850 Mountain bike.
I'll dig out a few photos  when I used to take it all over the country and post a few of them here.

I have been out of work due to a back injury so when the physical therapist explained I could ride the bike I jumped at the chance.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Artwork for sale - Ebay

This is the missing piece from E-Bay

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November 3 rd 2011

OK, so I now have the NY State Health Dept Permit!
The Hot Dog truck passed the health dept.'s inspection!
I am hoping to actually begin selling hot dogs this weekend, however, since I have injured my back, I can not open this truck up to the public! As I can not work while out of work on disability!
So my younger brother may come and help me out this weekend... isn't that nice of him?
Yeah I know he's pretty cool....

So that is the update for today... I should mention my back is healing, and I should be back to work in a week!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I've made a few changes here, as you may have already noticed.
I'm going to try to update this site at least weekly.
Adding photos and drawings as I go along.
Please leave me a message and let me know what you think.
I'm asking that you please be polite. I don't really want any foul language here. If you don't like the site, don't come back... Simple uh?
So Have fun!
J. Thomas...

Some more stuff...

Someone asked for some of my motorcycle travel photos.
I looked around on the site and realized there are not many here.
So here are some more, that you may enjoy!

Apache Trail. Arizona. 

This is the ruins in Canyon De Chelly

This is my Bike Loaded for a 4 month Trek!

This was one of the many free campsites I enjoyed!

Pull off in White Sands Missile Base N.M.