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Central, NY, United States
Life is an Adventure... LIVE IT

Sunday, September 26, 2010

We went to the NickleBack concert


We went to Albany, last week to see Nickelback.
Buckcherry and three Days Grace played also.
It was a pretty good show!
Loud, and a bit long, but I enjoyed myself.
I can now cross that off my bucket list, I may never have to go to a rock concert again!

More Book information

Well the book is coming along fine, a little slow but it's coming along.
I wish I had more time to work on it, but with work and being short staffed,  time is something I don't have a lot of.  I have an editor, and a very close friend, who has been a great advisor, giving me the encouragement I need, to keep going. As I said, it's a slow process but I am pleased with the results so far!
As for the coffee shop, well the information is flowing back and forth, and things are moving ahead, this is also a slow process, but in the end, I'm sure it will be worth the efforts.

Fall is arriving here in the Northeast, slowly the trees are giving up their leafs and showing some muted colors, the middle of next month should be promising for the leaf peepers. We are expecting some serious colors this year.
I had a touch of the flu this past week, but luckily it didn't hang around too long. I feel much better now.
Well that's all for now.
More as it happens

This is some rock art I photographed while out west.
This was taken just outside of Moab Utah

Saturday, September 18, 2010


I have this bucket list I'm working on. One of the things on my list is to write a book. A good Book!
I have been working on it for sometime now, and it's coming along nicely. In fact I have an editor now!
It's not compete yet, but it's getting there.
Another item on my bucket list: to own a coffee shop.
I'm working on the coffee shop also. I'll give more information on that as I get it.

Summer is over now, and the weather has begun to change, the mornings are getting a little cooler and days shorter. Soon I'll be skiing and snowshoeing!